Saturday, 28 February 2015

Introducing the Audrey Pack for expectant & nursing mothers in Nigeria

The Audrey packs are bags of free samples and information for expectant and new mums which provides mothers  with the opportunity to ‘try before you buy ‘.Our primary aim as an organization is working towards the reduction of maternal and child mortality in Africa. 

We liaise with both private and government owned hospitals to provide these packs free of charge to mothers, organize educative and informative sessions where women are better informed about the choices they will make before and after pregnancy, while providing access to better health services. 

In less than a year of operations, we have been able to get these packs across to more than 170,000.00 (One hundred and Seventy thousand) women in Nigeria as a result of partnership with reputable Nigerian companies.

We are presently operational in Abuja, Lagos, Delta and Edo states with a Ghana office soon to be opened.

We are happy to announce that ALL expectant women and nursing mothers can pick up their Audrey Pack in any private or government hospital anywhere in Nigeria free of charge and at no cost to them.
You can also register online by clicking on the hospital activation form at also have a daily blog posting at, where women can get relevant information .

We can be reached on 08170000247, 08170000245, 08170000246 & 08170000248.
 Face book /The Audrey Pack
Twitter@ The Audrey pack
 Instagram @The Audrey pack

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